GE Seoul

Technology West Group is a key provider of custom technology installations globally, to provide custom interactive sales centers to support the ever-evolving products and divisions for GE. Globally, the list of installed projects range from Houston, Texas, to Moscow, Shanghai, Rio and more. Excelling in the fast-paced construction demands that the client operates on has been the key to successful deployments of interactive centers, conference rooms and onsite service globally.
Customer Application Centers (CAC’s) position GE’s Measurement & Control group as the most formidable, innovative, and highest-quality provider of comprehensive measurement and control solutions. The CACs convey M&C’s dedication to setting nest practices today and always exploring solutions for tomorrow to keep customers at the front edge of quality, safety, service and productivity. CACs are enhanced multi-purpose environments with their primary focus being on live demonstrations of M&C solutions, training customers on how to use M&Cs products and activities, product launches, lunch-and-learns, product appreciation sessions, technical seminars, factory acceptance testing, remote monitoring, technical support service calls and distributor networking. The communication tools engage visitors and allow for access to data not found anywhere else through a combination of flexible, high-tech interactive interfaces and multi-media personations that enable viewing of the full breadth and dept of M&C’s portfolio.